Vanessa’s Dining Room Light Project

We usually help our niece Vanessa (Larry and Susie’s youngest) when we’re staying in the DFW area. She recognizes and appreciates what our capabilities are and doesn’t hesitate in coming up with things for us to do. Her dining room light has never been centered over her table. We have all known this and been bothered by it for some time, and she finally wanted it fixed before hosting family for Thanksgiving.

Moving the light was not a difficult task, but it did require my climbing into the attic to make the wiring easier. We found some 1″ X 6″ boards, which I laid on top of the ceiling insulation, before gingerly making my way between the rafters and over to the new hole for the light junction box. I was able to reroute the existing power line so that no jumpers were required. MFI was extremely grateful for the installation time this saved.


Several months later, Vanessa asked us to house sit with her dog Cobi, while she enjoyed a well-deserved vacation with girlfriends in Mexico. Daughter Del spent some quality time with her dad at his house. While using V’s guest bathroom, we noticed there were no places to conveniently hang wash cloths or towels. So we made a trip to Home Depot and took care of this situation. We love helping Vanessa out when we can.

Male member of the BunMack team. Happy to be Ms Fix It's lovely assistant on past and future projects. Maybe I'll learn some skills along the way. 69 years old when this adventure began, with expectations to help family and friends with their projects, see great sights along the way, and enjoy our life together.

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