In early 2021, we were invited to the wedding of Jonny Gomez, youngest brother of CJ and Michael, and Ailys Toledo, his long time girlfriend (at least as long as we’ve been a part of the extended family). The date was 5 February 2022, and we looked forward to attending the big celebration. We even took a road trip to Dallas a month before the wedding to retrieve my tuxedo and MFI’s formal gown from our storage unit. I also purchased a pair of dress shoes (old ones had long ago worn out), new formal shirt (too many stains on my old ones), cufflink and stud set (couldn’t find mine in storage), and a bow tie (my two were embarassingly out of fashion).
Within a week of the wedding, MFI became ill and showed signs of having contracted COVID-19. She was running a low-grade fever, suffering from a mild cough, and sneezing a lot. We found a clinic in Memphis, drove down to get her tested, and walked away with positive confirmation. Since we’re perpetually together within the confines of Arthur, I soon came down with similar symptoms (no fever, but sore throat). We had to notify the Florida crowd with disappointment and regret that we wouldn’t be coming to the wedding. While our symptoms were really no worse than having a mild cold, we didn’t want to risk turning their special day into a potential super-spreader event.
We sequestered for the CDC-recommended 10 days and headed to Florida once we weren’t considered contagious. Thanks to social media, we were able to enjoy photos and videos from the wedding. We clearly missed a great day. Jonny and Ailys left for their honeymoon shortly after the wedding, and we enjoyed their posts on Instagram. While we spent a great 10-day visit with Sarah, Michael, Sammy, and Happy; the newlyweds created honeymoon memories in Sri Lanka and The Maldive Islands. We wholeheartedly wish Jonny and Ailys a life of continued health and happiness, and we anticipate many new experiences with the Gomez and Toledo families
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We now have come to expect house projects during our trips to Hollywood. Unfortunately, Michael was too busy with his job this time to participate the way he normally likes. On the other hand, Sarah had her list of things to be done, and she’s always willing to jump in when and where she can. Her top projects were to clean up the alleyway just outside their back fence and address the light switch and outlet in the dining area.
We initally cleaned up the alleyway on a visit back in November of 2020. As is to be expected in Florida, the weeds, ferns, bushes, and trees continued to grow, and the alley area was again out of control. Sarah and I started early one morning and knocked it out in about a half day. This project is required every 12 to 18 months.
Prior to our arrival, Michael and Sarah had installed new paneling in their dining room. Michael had done an excellent job of cutting the paneling around the light switch and wall outlet; however, both were no longer flush with the surface of the paneling. This unfinished detail was bugging them. MFI solved this quickly by installing plastic electrical spacers to bring the switch and outlet out flush, and this allowed her to install new white switch and outlet plate covers. Simple project really, but huge impact for the kids to have the paneling completed.
Sarah also had a couple of caulking locations for me, and I was able to knock those out in less than ten minutes. Then she wanted something done with the medicine cabinets in both bathrooms. The cabinets were old, not very functional, and Michael couldn’t even use the mirror in their bathroom because of his height. Sarah asked that they both be removed. In their bathroom, she wanted the cabinet hole gypped, taped, floated, textured, and painted. She and I went shopping and found a large mirror, which could be hung at a height everyone could use. We also purchased a new light to replace the outdated fixture above the old medicine cabinet. MFI tackled the master bath…
…while I took on the guest bathroom. Here, she asked for the cabinet hole to be converted into a small cubby.
As always, we also spent quality time with Sammy and Happy and gave Michael and Sarah some alone-away-from-the-kids time. MFI witnessed Sam at her Thursday ballet class and was impressed with her 4-year-old skills, especially how well she listened to instructions. We find it harder and harder to leave them, they are growing so fast.