If you’ve been following our blog, then you will have noticed we’ve not posted anything since the end of January 2020. The reason is simple: we are having the outdated and poorly designed master and guest bathrooms in our condo renovated. Once completed (expected by mid-April) we will rent the condo so we have sufficient income to more than cover our mortgage, and allow us to get back on the road.
Arthur was put into storage once we returned from Christmas holiday in Hollywood, FL. Gary’s Boat and RV Storage is in south Arlington, and we have found it relatively convenient, affordable, and secure. Luckily it sits adjacent to the Arlington SWAT Team Training facility.
We have the skills to do this renovation; however, the scope and timing is such that we hired contractors in order to meet some mandatory out-of-town obligations in early May. We vacated the condo except for the bare necessities, having packed and moved our worldly possessions into a 10′ X 25′ conditioned storage unit up near Jon and Katherine. We are now surviving in our living room (bedroom) and kitchen (bathroom) separated from the construction by a plastic-zippered wall at the entrance to our hallway. The wall has mostly prevented the intrusion of large amounts of construction dust, but Susan and I are both dealing with allergy symptoms caused by the dust that still gets through. We have access to one toilet during the night, but we must shower at the Elzie Odom Community Recreation Center where we workout each morning.
Infamous Zipper Wall Interesting Navigation When Sleepy
Once our move out is complete and the condo is hopefully rented, we head to Tampa. Arthur will be stored while we spend a week of vacation in England and three days in Varel, Germany for the wedding of our daughter’s best friend, Christina. From Tampa we drive on to Hollywood, FL for the birth of our third grandson. The Gomez family has a new project list for us, and we will work on completing it while helping out at home and enjoying the grandchildren. The remainder of the year we’ll be ASing from Florida to Maine, so you can expect more blogging on our adventures in the future.